Monday, February 14, 2011

SMART Creation 2/8 @ Hilton

SMART Creation 2/8 @ Hilton
Playground all day - @convention center
Thursday @2:30 in SMART booth

Learn to walk before you run
SMART Wednesday (or any day) - 1 hour share

Special education - adapt curriculum to smart board
Handwriting practice (gallery)
Replace paper pencil activities
Write with tennis ball instead of pen for kids with limited mobility and coordination
Use as response system to prepare for task alt
When looking at lessons on smart exchange go beyond your content and look at format and then replace with your content
Any thing you do on a worksheet you can do on a board

High school content
Let kids use the notebook software to create
Math - vocabulary - at least 10 ways in smart to do - random picker to keep kids engaged (lesson activity tool kit)
Screen capture from TI calculators and then import images into SMART - these ideas on exchange under TCEA - math 7-12
Random number generator
Video TAKS tutorials
Video complex problems - students can watch, pause & play as needed
Makes sure bells & whistles don't distract from lesson content
learning activity toolkit 2 - templates that are editable flash files
LAT2 - activities
The kids like to play too - 8 am Thursday smart room
Math models -showroom floor - smart
Games that engage - smart room - wednesday 11:30
Bentz - search exchange site - teacher @Lewisville - geometry website the richest - new to teaching algebra this year
Kids use free download
trinity Christian in Addison - Karen Campere

Lewisville did a content creation seminar
Organize by grade level at elementary and content at secondary
Smart facilitators assist and work to get people to the level of creation
Smart exemplary teachers support / help
User group one day conference (or half day)

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Mobile is a Must

Mobile is a Must

What makes these authentic, intimate learning opportunities possible? Mobile technologies. Mobile devices provide the platform and, as importantly, the incentive for students to take personal ownership of the learning experience. The lessons absorbed form deep connections for students and add to their cognitive framework in ways that no lecture ever could.

So what is all of this doing for K-12 education? Nothing short of disrupting and transforming the established teaching and learning paradigm. To start, mobile technology is helping to solve the two challenges facing education today: students' desire to learn differently, and students' need to learn differently.

Will Smart Phones Eliminate the Digital Divide?

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Zombie Teacher Project -

Zombie Teacher Project -

Ideas rise from the dead
Assembling the skeleton
Release the monster
And the award goes to

no more than 4 people for a team
24 hours, only begin at 9 am on day one and must turn in project by 9 am the next morning

Equipment - borrowed from each campus, labeled and checked out to teams

Pre-training before event to learn software, storyboards done before the 24 hours begins, props, costumes, etc

Each team receives an award for something
Teachers choice awards
Set the stage
Every video is shown on award night
Everyone who attends gets a ballot who attends award night

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Technology impact - David Pogue

Technology impact - David Pogue

App phone - a whole new category - components not in phone or computer

App - Ocarina - globe let's you listen in

Ge Wang - auto tune app

Augmented reality - new generation of apps - combines internet
Nearest tube - subway
Twit around
Facial recognition
Retina - for color blind
Google voice - option 2 let's you make a call

Things won't go away they just splinter and both thrive


Web 2.0 - audience is the creator of the content
Facebook example
You tube
Who is sick?

How does this effect the next generation?

Take back the beep -
Kids today don't do voicemail or email - they want realtime. The new normal is multitasking and on demand - on demand tv

Privacy - kids don't care

Twitter - a different kind of population - average age 35 - average income 75,000

Book - the world according to twitter

Technology is changing faster than ever - it's like drinking from a fire hose

The pit is always smaller than the plum

Next convention
Feb 6-12

ISTE - 2011 June 26-29

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

iCheryl SmartJeff and iTraci present iDevices

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Notes from TEA Session

21st ctry workforce dev will be a distinction designation

B - BUDGET permanent fund lookng more hopeful than predicted
C - COLLEGE READINESS Texas only state to meet all criteria


Projectshare - our district account?
ITunesU texas education

Sxswedu - focus on projectshare for this first year

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Game shows

If you want to use games in your class room. Google "gameshow templates". If you want to do Jeopardy with a URL address so students are able to play at home with parents and review material. To do Jeopardy with URL go to

Melina Wouters
Dual Language Specialist

SmartJeff presents SmartBoards at TCEA

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Dr. Waddell presents Web 2.0 at TCEA

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Given to Us Today by the Great Discovery Education Leaders - Greatness!

(Listen to our group today reading the poem) not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of

the river,

keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

See who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally,   least of all

For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lonely wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Discovery Education Science - Check this Out!

Discovery Education Science
Amazing Digital Product for our 21st Century Scientists
Be sure to check out the "Experience It" and the "Product Information" links/areas on this page!

Beyond the Textbook - Discovery Learning and Texas ASCD @ Region 11 Education Service Center, Ft. Worth, TX Jan. 21, 2011 - Dr. Carol Wetzel

21st Century Skills - Promoting Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom - Dr. Carol Wetzel
with Carol Ann McGuire

Fierce Conversations: 
The Fierce Blog
Fierce Conversations - Book Notes
1.  What is the challenge?  Creating 21st Century Learning Ecosystems
What is 21st Century Learning (Partnership of 21st Century Learning videos)?  Observable, Measurable Indicators:
Upgraded curriculum and instructional best practices, P21, Global Cultures Learning/Collaborations
2.  What's at stake? Our students, our kids
3.  The ideal outcome? Carol Ann McGuire 
Shanghai TV University   -
China educates 23% of population, but planning for 100%.  They one education system, not individual systems like the US. 

It's not about money, it's about innovation of what we already have (technology, teaching practices, creativity, collaboration, problem solving). Incorporating more Fine Arts into our curriculum.   

4.  Relevant background information - What are we doing in the United States that is a model of 21st Century Learning Ecosystem?
SARS - An Open Scar thinkquest
Challenge-based/problem-based/project-based Learning:  Students collaborating with one another and students around the world, teams creating a website for their peers.  Using technology, inquiry-based learning, making the world a global village. 
How can we do this? Implementing Problem-based learning, using the Thinkquest model of collaborations of students in different campus classrooms and district schools, 

New Tech High -

5.  What have we done up to this point - 

6.  What can we do to meet the challenge - sharing the vision, modeling "the way," take a top-down approach to PL with all stakeholders, educate parents with 21st Century nights (stations manned by students demonstrating how they are learning 21st century skills), teacher PL, model lesson demonstrations for teachers (they are not pulled out of classrooms for PL), classroom management of digital teaching modeling, videotaping of teaching (teachers view one another as they teach digitally) and put these on the Cisco Video Portal.

Beyond the Textbook - Discovery Education &Texas ASCD - Jan. 21, 2011 - Hall Davidson @ Region 11 Education Service Center, Ft. Worth, TX

21st Century Learning in our district:  Must have a shared vision (teachers, parents, administrators).
Hall Davidson - Director of Global Learning, Discovery Education

Article:  A Call Technology in the Classroom - from District Administration
What do we have to do to Transform?
1.  We have to model the use of technologies
Discovery Streaming Education - Not just a video library, that's not digital learning.  Editable, student-centered (they can use it 24/7),  can share on social-media sites...
We need to use this media in every meeting with teachers, principals.  Example:  Animal Behaviors clip with principals - "Which animal most reminds you of you in your daily job?"
Begin with this activity at ILT and follow up with Lunch and Learns, campus instruction, integrate into District Curriculum.
Google Translater
Google Alert
2.  Web 2.0 applications for student learning - have to begin using digital tools in the classroom

3.  Professional Learning for Teachers

Kids in online learning situations out-perform kids in face to face instruction. If we don't do it, the private sector/Charter Schools will steal our kids.

Kaplan University Commercial

Online education - web-based video, instant messaging, and collaboration tools
Are we using iTunes U?
More digital books sold at Amazon than books 09/10.

Why go digital?
  • Economy
  • Technology effectiveness
  • 21st Century Skills
  • Engagement for learners
 But all of this means nothing if we cant measurably improve learning.  That is where you will get buy-in from teachers, principals, and parents.  Check out the Charlotte-Mechlenburg School District (this district is also a model Cont. Improvement district).  Ann Clark - chief academic officer in Charlotte - Science study scores after they adopted a digital instruction model.  The professional development was the key to the success of this initiative.  Also Osceola County Public Schools, FL. , Indianapolis Public Schools... Students' scores in Reading, Math, and SS also improved because they were more interested in the content, they wrote in traditional journals in addition to digital composition (important for kids to write in journals traditionally  - brain research)