Heidi Hayes Jacobs
- "designed obsolescence" --sad
- learning is uncomfortable b/c it’s new; you are out of your comfort zone
- youtube—iSchool
- nings “exporting and importing”
- CCSSO--very important--Council of Chief School Officers
- VLM--virtual learning magnet
- "curriculum" means path to run in small steps in Latin
- major economies: China, India, Brazil, Russia, Viet Nam (very pro-education); should be teaching them
- assessment: easiest to start with; content hardest
- reports are lowest form of learning; use reports and development instead (R & D)
- Steve Wilmarth by teleconference--trends
- foreign lang. teachers are good at teaching speaking (properly) and listening; teach English as if it were FL--interesting
- constantly assess listening
- if kid can't tell you what he's doing in math, he doesn't know
- should be collecting formal samples of work
- http://www.richerpicture.com/ portfolios
- Texas Visioning Institute ning http://www.texasvisioninginstitute.ning.com/
- expand media criticism; Frank Baker is expert http://www.frankbaker.com/
- research=search again
- web 2.0 Strategic Interactive Instruction---interactive is key
- http://www.curriculum21.com/ HHJ's website--full of ideas; take a look
- Visual Thesaurus and Wordle to help kids with better writing--good idea
- http://www.graphs.gapminder.org/
- wonderful time to be an educator!
- upgrading content is most controversial
- recaset content for timeliness
- interdisciplinary issues/themes: sustainablility, media literacy, urban planning, global ambassadors
- http://www.facingthefuture.org/ great free lesson plans, etc.
- Organization for Economic something
- http://www.asiasociety.com/ how to globalize, etc.
- Ohio's electric orchestra: Lakewood Project The Arts are important!
- timely and timeless--curr. should be
- US is isolated; most will never leave country
- we don't teach about the world
- triple time on global studies--better-prepared kids
- we are longest-running democracy--great story
- focus on geopolitics and geo-economics
- study the last 50 years!
- gateway cities: Sydney, NY, etc. cities that have more in common with each other than own countries
- EarthPulse by Nat. Geo
- your location is your political destiny
- youtube: Unfolding the Earth
- http://www.polleverywhere.com/ with cellphones
- http://www.cia.gov/ go to Factbook==great site!
- bring in lots of non-profit groups
- study how to improve neighborhoods
- if you're going to be a teacher, be a public learner
- http://www.ed.voicethread.com/
- great school designs around the world
Very thought-provoking and exciting!
Kathy Sales
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